Saturday, February 2, 2008

VIDEO - off to the beach club to salsa till dawn...

It's Saturday night in this beach town and the party is getting going...tonight we salsa until dawn...too bad I can't salsa for shit!!!

VIDEO - a smelly shirt keeps the bugs away...

It's not a bad idea to change shirts, especially in 90+ degree tropical heat! This is the hotel that Paula and I are having the wedding next Saturday, Feb 9, 2008 on the Beach down in's gonna be a pretty cool all night beach party...

The work does not end

Funny thing is that I thought I'd be able to relax a bit after going live Feb 1...but now the real hard work kicks in...documenting in a fun and exciting way all the things that happen to us on this continent.
Just to update you this picture is Paula working some wedding details (we are having lunch at the hotel in which we are having our wedding ceremony next saturday, Feb 9). Needless to say we have wedding logistics to complete being that we have been so occupied with this website.
I will be shooting a short video so you guys can see how awesome this hotel will be posted on this site in about 2 hours once I get back to the internet cafe
Sent by Jeffrey via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Friday, February 1, 2008

Miren ese sol

Son las 6 de la tarde y estamos aqui en la playa de Santa Marta, viendo una caida espectacular de sol en el mar.

Todos los dias q veia el sol caer siempre tenia nubes nunca tocaba el sol con el mar, pero hoy si el sol se perdio dentro del mar.
Sent by Paula via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Chillin our first friday sunset

Here's Paula posing at sunset on this wonderful beach....oh so good to be on vacation... Oh wait did I mention we have another 100 days of this ;-)
Sent by Jeffrey via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Working and working

Hoy nos levantamos super temprano porq ya se llego la hora, la hora empezar nuestros 100 dias de aventura y la hora del matrimonio.

En resumidas cuentas todo ha salido bien. Aunq con contratiempos con algunas personas, la gente porq uno cree q viene de NY siempre tiran a cobrar el doble como si a uno no le tocara sudarla. La cosa es q jeff siempre nos delata, yo digo q soy de Medellin pero jeff por su acento no pasa.

En fin hoy hacemos el lanzamiento mas oficial de la pagina, haber si podemos empezar a disfrutar un poco de nuestras vacaciones porq definitivamente hasta hoy ha sido trabajo y trrabajo.
Sent by Paula via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Not to much time left and there are no pictures

still trying to have an easy way to upload photos from the road...I had considere Flickr and Picassa but it makes the user experience kind of clunky. I am trying to make it as easy as possible for you guys to view pics and videos.
One thought that we have is to send people directly to a photo profile section that we have uploaded to By the way, this is the Social Network that we are partnering with. Officially we'll be acting as their Travel if anybody is reading this from this goes to you!!

Remember guys...this is a project around South America that Paula and I are putting together, we hope you find it fun and exciting! We are on our own down here bringing you the coolest stuff we find in South America!

Sent by Jeffrey via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

VIDEO - about to jump from the balcony

Hi guys, a bit stressed out this morning...the site goes live in a few hours

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Frantic trying to finish website

Sorry guys that I have not written. Both paula and I have been crazy trying to finish the website for tomorrow....after its done we can spend all our time bloging and uploading pics and vids
Sent by Jeffrey via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

De site inspection

Hoy yo estoy a cargo de todos detalles de la boda, ya q Jeff esta super ocupado con el proyecto que inicia oficialmente el viernes.

Nos encontramos debajo de unas palmas Adela q es la persona organizadora de la boda
y yo, concretanto todos los detalles. Definitivamente siempre hay mucho q hablar, que la servilletiva, que la florecita, que violin, que los musicos, un sin fin de cosas.

En una de las fotos me esta haciendo un ejemplo de un centro de mesa, las flores son exoticas, los colores son vivos y muy tipicos de la region como gingers, heliconias, tropicals entre otras.

Continuaremos trabajando para que nos rida porq a las 6 de la tarde oscurece y no tenemos mucho tiempo.

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Sunday, January 27, 2008

Definitivamente la vida es muy diferente para personas

Todos creemos q el agua potable, electricidad, el telefono, la seguridad, una calle padimentada y la salud son servicios q son basicos y q cualquier persona por pobre q sea los debe tener..... NO, en ciertos lugares de Colombia esto un lujo.

Hoy tuvimos la oportunidad de compartir con una comunidad muy pobre de Santa Marta, San Fernando. Un barrio donde muchos son los desplazados por la violencia.

Jeff y yo habiamos reunido una maleta muy grande de Rosita mi amiga y Milena mi hermana para traerla y darla a los ninos pobres. Definitivamente fue una experiencia muy bonita el contacto con cada uno, las caras de alegrias de ellos fue nuestro mejor regalo.

Yo siempre he estado mas cerca de una realidad asi, lo vi mas en mi pais, en mi ciudad. Para Jeff creo que fue algo muy interesante porq aunque siempre ha sido pobre nunca le faltado nada como a todas estas personas q viven en la pobreza absoluta.

Despues de ir esta comunidad fuimos a deleitar un suculento almuerzo de la senora Elizabeth, la esposa de senor Martin el fotografo de nuestra boda. Junto con sus hijos Edson y Dana hacen parte de una organizacion llama ADRA que trabaja por el bienestar de la comunidad.

Todavia no ha empezado nuestra aventura y ya hemos vivido muchas experiencias que de una u otra forma nos van a ayudar a ver el mundo con una vision diferente.
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San humbling...

We are now sitting back at the Caballero residence (the family that helped us distribute the clothing), their backyard is perfect, cool, and so comfortable. We are about to have lunch...

I feel guilty sitting in such a nice backyard about to have a full lunch, while only a few minutes ago we were spending the morning in one of Santa Marta's (Colombia) poorest neighborhoods. The difference with poverty in the United States and third world countries like Colombia is that these people receive no government subsidies...that means that there are no roads, no official electricity, no running water, no police security, none of the basic necessities we all take for granted.

In no way do I want to depress anybody, we just want people reading this to see how some people live. We had the opportunity to spend the morning in this neighborhood,San Fernando, with the help of Martin, Elizabeth, and Edson who showed us the area and helped us give away all the clothes that we had brought down from NYC.

By the way, this is the same bag (bags!) of clothing (along with Paula's wedding dress)that we recovered from the airport on wed after that nightmarish 4 days of cancelled flights, lost baggage, terrible customer service that we had with American Airlines!

We definitely want to thank Milena P. and Rosita W. for donating so much good clothing. We've got some great video that we need to get on the website so you can all see first hand how happy these children and their mothers were.

Again thanks to everybody who helped us make this small effort in giving back to a community in need. We will be all over South America in the next few months and I highly suspect we will see more of these types of living this is not the last time you hear about communities in need. Hopefully each time we learn something new that we could pass along to all of you.

We are so fortunate and want to give thanks. Thank you to Whoever or Whatever has brought us so much good fortune over the past 30+ years of life we have had...

Soon videos and better pictures will be on the stay tuned.. Feb 1, 2008 it starts.

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They are giving us food

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Paula and kids

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Will write more in a bit

This is happening right is incredible how some people live. Paula is giving some clothing away here with the help of Martin (an amazing man) and in this particular household, the little girl that lives here has been suffering from malnutrition, so getting clothing is not exactly what she needed. She needs a doctor...
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VIDEO- house is falling...literally


Giving away clothes

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