Saturday, January 19, 2008

Al menos en Miami

Apenas acabamos de llegar a Miami, un dia super largo, hicimos una parada de mas de 3 horas en Carolina del Norte. Estamos super cansados con la trasnochada de ayer y el cansancio de toda la semana me enferme, la me siento un poco mejor. Esperemos q no tengamos mas cambios y q manana podamos salir. Queria ya estar en Colombia porq le queria celebrar el cumpleanos a Jeff en la playa desde temprano, nos sonabamos en estar en tirra caliente y lo primero q teniamos para hacer era ir a hacernos masajes. Ya manana sera otro dia y espero q sea mejor q el de hoy.
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Miami night on the town

Just arrived at the miami airport, trying to get out of here and see if we could chill out tonight in miami, being that we have to be here tonight.. Not bad option, sure beats the north carolina airport we were stuck in for 3 hours
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Exhausted and cracked out on the floor at newark airport

A quick flight to Colombia that was supposed to get us there at 5 pm on saturday so we could chill out on the beaches has turned into an overnight layover in Miami. First we need to goto north carolina and take a connecting flight to Miami that gets us to Miami at 8 pm, then on sunday we a booked for a flight to Colombia ( so they say). American Airlines has seriously given headaches EVERYTIME we fly with them. Did want to point out that Ms cardona was friendly at the ticket counter, initially it was not the case but for some reason she chilled out and spoke to us about options versus just dictating what we had to do.
If there is anything that I can't stand, its being told what to do without provisioning for at least one option. "Work with me here..."
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Odio con pasion american Airlines

Es lo peor de lo peor, uno nunca debe decir nunca, pero espero q este nunca si sea verdad NUNCA VOLARE CON AMERICAN OTRA VES
Siempre q he volado con ellos nos cancelan el viaje y tienen una actitud super arrogante.
Esto quiere decir q hoy no llegamos a Colombia.
Ayer salimos con los amigos de Jeff y nos quedamos hasta las 5 de la manana, osea dormi una hora, no veia la hora de estar en el avion. Ahora viajamos a la 1 a miami y manana llegaremos a Barranquilla. Hoy va a ser un muy muy largo dia.

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Flight has mechanical problems

So we are at newark which cost us 70 to get to and there is a problemwith the flight, so now they want to send us to north carolina then to miami and we wouldn't be able to leave until sunday morning from miami to colombia. OR we stay in ny and leave from laguardia to miami on sunday then get to colombia all on sunday....its fuckin g annoying ...american airlines is a pretty shitty...I want to be at least in miami but they have to pay for our hotel....we'll see what ms Cardona says...she has be nice and is trying
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In a taxi to newark airport 70 dollars

This is the first time I've ever taken a taxi to. The airport and aparently it costs 70 from where we are...that's more than 10 percent of the cost of my plane ticket to Colombia...
Whatever, so - am surprised we actually woke up since we got home like 4 did a Couple things and where passed out at about 5:30am which only gave us 50minutes to sleep, must be why paula is in such a bad mood, you would think she'd be happy knowing that in about 12 hours we'll be in a beach town on the Caribbean coast of Colombia.

Just wanted to say thank you to all the people who made it out last night on such short notice! Always good to know who really cares... For everyone else, we'll see you in about 4 months.
Our first stop is Miami at about noon today.
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Friday, January 18, 2008

Getting ready to party up our last night in NYC

It has been an exhausting 2 weeks between the website , publicity, organizing and buying things for trip, getting documents together, trying to do our taxes, leaving our apt ready for paula's cousin to sublet, filming, editing, dinners with friends who want to say bye and so much more....
So in about 1 hour Paula and I will be going out to a place called Xunta to say bye to some of my friends, I sure hope people show up, since I literally organized it about 8 hours ago.... Since its friday I think it might work out for us and we can see folks.
I'll probably write again in a couple hours when I'm until then
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Viernes 18 de Enero

Hoy es nuestro ultimo dia en NY, al menos por 5 meses, estoy contenta pero a la vez estoy un poco nostalgica. Feliz porq vamos a realizar algo q por mas de 3 a#os hemos hablado, para Jeff mucho mas tiempo, realmente el inicio la idea. Tomar casi 4 meses de vacaciones, no trabajo, no rutina, no frio
Solo conocer, lugares, gente, aprender como vive la gente en el mundo, con sus vivencias, con sus tradiciones, su musica, su comida. Eso para mi es algo super importante q me va a ayudar mucho tanto en mi vida personal como tambien la forma de ver el mundo.
Nostalgica porq dejo personas q quiero como mi hermana y algunos amigos. No crea q uno siempre piensas... Y si nunca los vuelvo a ver?? Siempre cuando uno sale de su casa esta expuesto a millones de cosas buenas y malas. Esperemos q en este viaje todo sea positivo y q lo q no es bueno, q pase rapido.

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Its over I made

It and heading home to get packing done
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Shit still have 35 mins to go

This is goingg to kill me...mand I thought it. Was going to happen in amazon
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Spinning at the moment

I am so out of shape, are you guyts seeing the live feed from grand central now?
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Spinning starts at 4pm

I am in grand central station now about to be one of the 2400 people that are spinning for 24 hours to raise money for a great cause..will be broadcasting live, see the box on above between 4-5 pm
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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Having chinese food and thinking that we have 1 more day in NYC

Sup everybody, or perhaps its only the same 8 people that have seen this site!!!
Funny thing is that as of yesterday about 638 people have checked out the site in the 3 days we have been publicizing it in the RV...
Thank you to those few comments (BTW:I did not do the artwork on the RV)
Well by tomorrow afternoon we are uploading a video of the 3 days with the RV so you can all see what we've been doing...Remember the site officially starts on Feb 1, when the adventure really begins...later
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Returning the RV

Today went great in the AM, Paula was able to talk to Matt Lauer but still have not managed the on air interview. We are trying again Friday morning but this time without the 25 foot RV!!
We have been all over manhattan over the past three days giving away hats shirts, cards and letting anybody who listened all about our adventure. Bottom line the RV was pretty fun to cruise around in...think I might get one after this trip!
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Un dia mas o un dia menos

Hoy nos levantamos super temprano a continuar nuestra labor, creo q esta manana fue muy productiva porq estuvimos en el show de la manana, no nos entrevistaron pero si pudimos mostrar nuestra pagina por varios segundos. Hable con Matt Lauer fuera de camaras y le conte un poco de proyecto, le di una tarjeta esperamos q nos visite.
Paula A
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Gettin' the word out

So the entire day we've been moving in the RV, stopping , giving away hats, shirts, cards...its much harder than I ever expected.
Often times people are just busy and will not stop even if we're offering free stuff...
In the end this turned out to be a cool and humbling experience, from making fools of ourselves in Rockefeller center's morning show to handing out shirts on the NYU campus over to baruch college's hot dog stand guy, who happily informed us that business was slow because of the cold weather then letting us know that school was not in session...(I think he waited so we'd buy food from him), then to Spanish Harlem's 116 street where we made so many new friends, down again to 86 street where we stopped, closed shop and laid down in the bed above the driver's seat!! This is now where I am.
Laying, quietly, thinking of the days events and hoping that Paula and I return safely from this adventure journey so that we could one day tell our grandkids that we were a little abnormal and did odd things when we were young back at the turn of the Millenium.
Not sure what I writing now, so before this gets more odd...I'll talk again in the AM. Although it is still early, I think we need to unwind after these super long ass days...later
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Esta tarde

Son las 3;30 estamos todavia en el RV esta manana fuimos a la area de NYU, Washington Park, Times Square y ahora llegamos a Spanish Harlem, estamos repartiendo gorras, panoletas y tarjetas, haciendo mas publicidad. Ya nos quedan dos dias y tenemos q hacer el ultimo esfuerzo.
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Enero 16

Despues de la ceremonia del dia de ayer, fuimos a comer, como a las 6 de la tarde no dabamos mas, yo estaba levantada desde las 4 de la manana y Jeff ya llevaba dos dias sin dormir, ni una sola hora, arreglando todos los ultimos detalles para la pagina, imprimiendo los avisos q ibamos a necesitar en fin una serie de cosas q aunque no se van estan alli.

En fin nuestra primera noche de bodas fue acostarnos a las 8 de la noche rendidos. Hoy de nuevo a las 5 de la manana en pie tratando de hacerle pub licidad antes de nuestra partidad.
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In about 20 minutes we're packing into RV

And off to Rockefeller Center to get on the today show. Yesterday on the show didn't go as planned. We'll see if this morning we achieve our goal, 3 minutes on national TV to discuss our 100 day adventure...keep checking on the LIVE broadcast above for us throughout NYC on Wed Jan 16...later
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Passed out until about 20 mins ago

So we get the RV back to our neighborhood and luckily parking was not so bad for the 25 footer. At about 7pm we get home and as I turn on my computer to start editing the days video, pics, blogs, I just passed out. It is now 11:02 pm and I going to quickly edit and get something up. Need to be up again at 5:30am to try for today show again
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At 2:49 pm Paula and Jeffrey

were married in city hall! Its official... Funny thing is that it was so quick, in about twenty five seconds the judge said her thing and that was it! Not sure what I expected...the bottom line is that were are official with the state, now our nice ceremony on the beaches of Colombia is in the first week of Feb.
The details to come...
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Finalmente casados

Acabamos de dejar el City Hall, fue muy emosionante casi lloro, fue rapido, pero muy emisonante, me parece mentiras q despues de 4 a#os estemos casados.
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We are inside city hall and forgot the 25 dollar money order

With so many things going on now, we totally forgot the money order, the tough part is that the line to get in is so long...luckily Liliana was still on her way so she getting it before she comes in...

Its kind of funny how in about an hour Paula and I will finally be married ....YyyyyyeeeeeeeaaaAahhhhhhh!!!!!
I'm psyched, really am! I love this woman with all my heart!! is in the air!!!
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here we go

Son las 8 15 estamos aqui en el carro haciendole publicidad a
Nos acabaron de sacar del show de la manana porq no podiamos parquear en esas area. Menos mal no nos dieron un ticket, hasta ahora todo anda muy bien vamos a desayunar y despues seguimos. Todo lo estamos documentanto en vivo. Nos vemos mas tarde
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6AM just got into the RV

Funny thing is that I was parked in a construction zone and there were about 3 dudes knocking on the camper thinking we were inside, apparently they were going to tow it had 6 AM past...saved my first ticket.

Onto Rockefeller
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Not sure why some of my posts disappear using blackberry

Hello, hello...the post I put up earler did not appear (might be my phone), here goes a shorter version:
so, as I got back to the city with the 25 foot RV, at about 3pm, I thought I would try the bathroom, afterall, I've always wanted to be in an RV and felt like I was in a Chevy Chase flick.. But being the jackass that I am (not paying attention at the RV rental center earlier in the afternoon, I did'nt listen to the guys say that the water lines on the rental RVs are "winterized". How in the f*!#; world am I supposed to know what that means. Basically no water goes through the pipes...luckily, I just had to piss, cause otherwise it would have been pretty shitty time in there... What sucks more is that on Tuesday morning we are going to have friends jump on board as we travel around Manhattan. I need to remind them that its not I hope I remember otherwise..

So, more importantly, we have a HUGE day tomorrow, Paula and I are actually getting the civil marriage taken care thats a big step...I've been so focused on the adventure and the website that my mind has slipped on the civil wedding see we never wanted to do anything fancy since we're getting married in Colombia in February, the thing is in order for it to count legally in the states we need to do the 'city hall' paper work...the bottom line is that, its only paper work. I'm going to always count our wedding anniversary as the ceremony that we have in Colombia. We're taking the RV down to City Hall and see if we can park it somewhere.
You guys can probably watch a live broadcast as we try with If your looking at this blog on my website, then you'll see on the home page a big box, well it should appear sometime between 12 and 2pm.

We're getting up early Tuesday, to try to take the RV to Rockefeller center and get some camera time on the NBC today show. I hope they dig the camper and our big trip idea...anway
gotta finish some signs now that we want to put on the side of the RV/camper. Talk in the AM

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Monday, January 14, 2008


Manana es un dia muy importe para Jeff y yo manana es el dia de nuestro matrimonio civil.
Es el primer dia de todo nuestro viaje, porq lo empezaremos asi, sera un dia no solo importamte, sino muy excitante, estaremos por todo New York haciendo publicidad del proyeto, es algo loco, nadie espera casarse y llegar en un camion a su matrimonio. Siempre me han gustado las cosas diferentes, no comunes ni tradicional y encontre la persona q siempre espere. Alguien q siempre haces cosas diferentes, q le gusta lo nuevo, lo q no es convencional, asi es Jeff mi novio, mejor dicho desde manana mi esposo.
Me suena un poco raro ESPOSO, suena demasiado serio, pero desde manana me tendre q acostumbrar al termino.
Todavia tenemos muchas cosas por hacer, por organizar, pero me acostare temprano para estar preparada para uno de los dias mas importantes de una mujer, su dia de matrimonio.
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Enero 14

Ya falta tan poco tiempo para el viaje, dentro de 6 dias estaremos partiendo, me siento un poco confundida, tengo tantos sentimientos encontrados.....
Siento tanta nostalgia de tanto cosas...
Me da temor no regresar, me da temor no volver a ver a mi familia, me da temor q. Ya empiezo otra etapa de mi vida, me siento feliz por todo lo que puedo vivir, pero a la vez siento temor, siento temor q ya soy una persona adulta, de q aqui empieza otra etapa de mi vida con aventuras, riesgos, metas cambios. Definitivamente estos 4 meses seran de mucho aprendizaje en todas las areas.
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Driving the RV back to Manhattan now

Sup, so am leaving the location now, actually on my first right turn took out a curb. Trying to drive and write...not a good idea

So need to get back to put some of our own signage up, not looking easy

Talk when I stop driving
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Picking up the 25 foot RV

Sup in Long Island picking up the truck we'll be driving letting everybody in NY know about our adventure into South america.
Cool thing happened today, I broadcasted live using blogtv. It was by no means perfect but the fact that I was able to walk around Manhattan then get on the LIRR to get to Long Island and continue broadcasting live was pretty f#*!@ cool.
I'll be writing more when back in the RV

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Sunday, January 13, 2008

Its sunday1242pm

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