Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Along Lake Titicaca...I love saying this name..

So as I mentioned earlier, I fortunately made it out of was a cool time with the mesmorizing Uyni salt flats, freaky llama fetuses & much needed oxygen tank highs in La Paz, to the glorious and sacred Lake Titicaca!
At the moment we are on a bus in Peru heading up to Puno and taking the entire coast of this once ancient sea-Lake Titicaca. This lake is enormous and creates a natural border between Peru and Bolivia. We spent yesterday and night on the Island of the Sun within Lake Titicaca which is the birthplace of the first Inca person. Amazing that this place was a maze of trails around the island leading to some cool ruins that were fairly intact. Of course, the island residents are farmers and there are absolutely no cars or motorcycles here, so everything is pretty virgin. One thing I absolutely can't stand though about traveling to these remote places is that hot water is impossible to come fact most of our 10 days in Bolivia have been so damn cold when it comes to showers. Hope Peru has some good plumbing and hot water!!
Both Paula and I are starting to miss our home in NYC, looking forward to have a 45- minute hot shower, a real flushing toilet and a bed that you can't feel the springs or smell the last 8000 people that have slept there!! We should be home on June 24 and looking forward to regular comfort!
Started my job search and looking to make it over to work at So please everybody seeing this blog, enter the words 'Nazca Lines' into and see where we'll be in about 1.5 days...yes buses take a long time here!

Say the following out loud: "Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca...Titicaca..." then look up with one hand facing the sun and
the other hand over your eyes and repeat "Iawichapupinowa...Iawichapupinowa
I'll let you know what this tradition means in the next blog...

PS. Agent C4...we have to re initiate the mission since we lost the secret unit on the Island of the Sun...can you feel it?
Sent by Jeffrey via BlackBerry from T-Mobile


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